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    2.0 HD





      Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is moved with Jason's passion for his work. They also find themselves in contradicting problems when Dennis got his girlfriend Tanya pregnant, while Jason and Abby have been struggling to have a baby for years, but to no avail because of Abby's illness. As days go by, Jason and Dennis develop romantic feelings for each other, eventually giving in to their sexual desires. But their affair takes an unprecedented turn when Abby finds out about Jason and Dennis' affair and catches them in the act. Abby's shock from her discovery made her illness worse, resulting in her hospitalization. Jason now has to choose between Abby and Dennis, and someone will be left brokenhearted.


    • 7.0 HD 将要掉出棋盘的棋子 白彪,金童,欧瑞伟,叶玉萍
    • 2.0 正片 吾栖之肤 安东尼奥·班德拉斯,埃伦娜·安纳亚,玛丽萨·帕雷德斯,扬·科奈特,布兰卡·苏亚雷斯,罗伯托·阿拉莫,费尔南多·卡约,爱德华·费尔南德斯,何塞·路易斯·戈麦斯,苏西·桑切斯,巴巴拉·莱涅,Ana,Mena,Buika
    • 1.0 HD国语中字 飞越老人院 许还山,吴天明,李滨,颜丙燕,田华,斯琴高娃,王德顺,贾凤森,牛犇,韩童生,黄素影,刘江,管宗祥,仲星火,蔡鸿翔,唐佐辉,江化霖,刘栋,张华勋,王连生,陈志宏,高歌,姚刚,尚天瞳,程伊,胡明,陈平,冯静恩,史玉林,金弘,戴军,果靖霖,廖凡,徐帆
    • 6.0 高清 边缘岁月 粤语 狄龙,袁洁莹
    • 7.0 HD 燃烧女子的肖像 诺米·梅兰特,阿黛拉·哈内尔,卢安娜·巴杰拉米,瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺,Christel,Baras,阿曼德·博兰格,Guy,Delamarche,Clément,Bouyssou,米歇尔·克莱门特,Cécile,Morel
    • 9.0 1080P蓝光 恶灵之门 莫少聪


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